On 20.07.2004 20:22 Uhr, Darcy James Argue wrote

> Also -- does anyone have any experience trying to purchase a domain
> name from someone else?  How to find out who owns it, how to approach,
> how much to ask, etc.  Most of the domain names I would want have
> already been reserved, but have no content up -- including, I note,
> "djargon.com".  (I assume someone saw my email address somewhere and
> snapped it up in the hopes that I would offer them a big pile of cash.)

Well, my experience is that these people usually want to make good money
with the name. I tried  to get www.musikmanufaktur.de but they expected me
to bid for it, no lower than 100 Euros. That's not worth it for me, as I
have the .com address plus musikmanufaktur-berlin.de.

You can always write to the address mentioned and see what they have to say.


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