On Aug 22, 2004, at 7:56 AM, Owain Sutton wrote:

Unfortunately, simplicity sells.

And how! I know some pros here in town that use Encore, bugs and limitations and all, just so they don't have to learn a new software!

And if people are weaned on Sibelius (for example at school), they're first choice when they buy their own software will be Sibelius.

I can't emphasize enough how right you are! Most of my computing choices (Mac platform, AppleWorks, Cubase, Finale) are based on what I started on, either because of what was on the school computers or what my friends had (so I could tap them for free support!)

And many people don't identify the limitations of the software, but rather they work within it (several times I've heard "I wanted to do XYZ but Sibelius wouldn't let me" from university-level composers).

Drives me nuts, and I mentally slap myself on the wrists every time I find myself influenced in a notational choice by how easy (or hard) it is to do in Finale.

("Me too" done for now.)


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