David W. Fenton wrote:

On 22 Aug 2004 at 16:30, Owain Sutton wrote:

. . . why do most people still use Internet Explorer? Because they don't know what they're missing.

I was in California for 3 weeks and for the first two weeks I was staying with an older couple who use AOL. Their copy of Internet Explorer was just completely infested with spyware and popup junk -- I had never seen anything so awful. I downloaded Lavasoft's AdAware and it found over 400 separate suspect items.

I simply don't understand why anyone puts up with this kind of crap from IE -- it's the worst-engineered piece of software I have ever encountered.

FireFox or Mozilla or Opera or Camino or Safari are all so much better in so many ways than IE, and not prone to the popup annoyances and the spyware infections. And they are all faster and more reliable browsers with better usability features.

Most people have never heard of Mozilla or Opera. Seriously. It seems strange to us geeks, but in the outside world, people think that the internet is something that just "is", and they don't know what a browser does.

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