I am having a little problem with OS X. Everytime I restart, or log out and log in again my Finder windows seem to have lost their preferences. They are always larger than before (and larger again when I restart once more) and they display large icons instead of lists etc.

Is there something I need to reset to get this back to normal? I have repaired permissions and checked the HD, that didn't help.


--At 8:47 AM -0500 10/18/04, Randolph Peters wrote:
I have this problem as well. From what I've researched on the net, the problem originates from opening the top folder while you are in system 9 and changing the view settings.



Just one thing about my previous note on this subject. The program I listed above may have its merits, but it does not solve the view settings not sticking problem.

-Randolph Peters
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