On Nov 21, 2004, at 9:09 PM, Ryan Beard wrote:

I'm having a heck of a time getting rid of an errant
hyphen in lyrics. I can re-type the syllables into the
score, but the hyphen just seems to move around at
will. I've tried going into the EDIT LYRICS dialogue,
but as luck would have it, this portion of lyrics
somehow doesn't show up there. Other chucks of lyrics
are missing from there as well.

The lyrics are *somewhere* in the Edit Lyrics dialogue. Probably you have inadvertently assigned them to some other verse which you aren't thinking to check.

I agree with those who say that clearing lyrics and re-entering them is usually the best solution, and probably not nearly so onerous as you're imagining. However, before you resort to that, there may be an easier solution:

Identify the syllable which is spawning the errant hyphen. (Look for a syllable at the same vertical position shorly before the unwanted hyphens begin.) In type-in-score mode, select that syllable, then type the space-bar once. That will delete any hyphen following that syllable in your lyric data.

You should know that this is a band-aid solution which does not solve your real problem of poorly organized lyric data. Depending on how mixed up your lyric data is, it might not solve all your problems, and if you have multiple assignments it could even cause new problems. If that's the case, then I again recommend clearing out lyrics and re-entering them. However, if you're in a hurry and you just want to make errant hyphens go away, this will often do the trick.

If you only use type-in-score, never manipulate the lyrics in the Edit Lyrics box, and never do mass copy with lyrics included, then your problem is probably just simple orphaned hyphens, in which case this space bar solution should be all you need.


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