In the spirit of Californians sticking together, thank you very much for the info I will check it out today.

Thanks again,


On Nov 26, 2004, at 11:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

California (I note from you sig) is quite notorious for having flaky power (so is Hawaii, for what it's worth). If you don't have a UPS, I would strongly recommend getting one. They're getting to be quite inexpensive, and well worth the cost.

Uhuh, Cal. is flaky in many ways, power being one. Yeah, I should look into this. When you say "inexpensive," how much are you talking?

Thanks again for the good info ...

Hi Dean,

This is the one I is both a surge protector and line conditioner. (protects against both surges and dips) I was having logic board issues and I hired an electrician to rule out power problems from within my home was fine and this box was working like a champ!

< Merchant_Id=&Section_Id=76&pcount=&Product_Id=165162>

Add it to the cart...type in 12345 where it says Redeem Coupon and see what happens :-)


P.S.  I'm in flakey shaky Cali!  This box has been put to the test!
Finale mailing list

Para mí, la música es la respiración de la vida y de Dios.
Per me, la musica è l'alito della vita e di Dio
Pour moi, la musique est le souffle de la vie et de Dieu.
Für mich ist Musik der Atem des Lebens und des Gottes.

Dean M. Estabrook
Director of Music
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
Yuba City, CA

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