----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ken Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I can't make my WinFin 2004 playback obey
> controllers 7 and 11 (one of them is essential for dynamics on a
> sustained note), nor PAN, which I like to use to separate the
> instruments.  2004 has some nice features when they work, but seems a
> lot flakier than 2000.

Hello Ken & Darcy

My 2003 works fine in this respect too, so it seems likely that Human Playback
in 2004 is the culprit.  It is probably sending commands to MIDI controllers to
achieve its effects, which is wiping out any data you try to send.  If this is
true then you have a straight choice between using HP or sending commands to the
controllers manually - I can't see any way round it.

I can check this for you if you like.  If you have a short MUS file you could
Save As in Finale as a .MID (Format 1) file and mail to me, I can take a look at
the MIDI commands (what Finale calls "Continuous Data").  It is possibly using
only one of cc 7 or 11, which would leave the other free for you to use.


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