d. collins wrote:
Owain Sutton écrit:

I really don't think that it's a Finale issue, but a Windows-based Acrobat one. The fact that a PDF doesn't look perfect on screen shouldn't be an issue - it's a format intended for printing. Now the problems people are describing on printouts are a different matter.

Then why doesn't this problem appear in any other software than Finale if it's an Acrobat issue? The fact that PDFs look bad on screen is an issue in itself, but a different one. But the fact is that the problem in the print-outs is exactly the same (line thickness and alignment).


Not everybody *is* describing the same problem when printing out. The staves on my PDFs look awful on screen, but there's no problem with the printout. Some people are *also* having problems with printouts - but need to give us more details about all of the Finale & Acrobat settings before we can attribute blame. (Perhaps we could do with somebody replicating a Finale stave setup on completely separate non-music software to see how that looks when printed to PDF? I'd do it, but I'm not THAT interested ;) ) And the reason I find it hard to point the finger at Finale is that the PDF utilities aren't part of it! It's unlikely to be Finale's fault if third-party software processes data inaccurately.
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