Safari leaks memory?

I don't think it does anymore....but it was a problem as far as I know up until 10.3.5 and possibly 10.3.6. But I'm hearing that this was fixed in 10.3.7.

I'm not exactly a computer geek, so I don't know what this means.

It is when an application, because of a bug, fails to return it's memory back to the OS once it is no longer needed or when it is very inefficient in the way that it uses memory. So over time, more RAM is used up than necessary...

Are you saying that if I get in the habit of quitting Safari when I am done, instead of just closing windows, that I might get around the paging thing?

I don't think I did a very good job of talking about this clearly...paging to an extent is normal. It is a function of Virtual memory in the Mac OS X (for one but not the only OS that does this)...but you should read some of David's posts...he is much better at articulating this than I am...but, here's my best attempt: when paging is excessive, it can be an indication of a shortage of RAM...the system will slow down and become theory, though not proven, but only a theory, is that when the system is in this state, the Overwrite Bug bites. I don't think that this is a problem with OS X, but rather a weakness with Finale that only shows up when the computer is in this state. But this is only a hunch.

So, here are some things that I think may help that I am going try in my own machine to see if it cuts down on the Overwrite Bug. Some of them are general and good practices anyway....

1) Up the amount of RAM that is in the machine.
(If upping the RAM isn't an option or one doesn't want to do this...I'd suggest quitting any applications that aren't needed when running Finale, especially if several files are open at one time)
3) Restart the computer more often than one normally Hiro mentioned.
4) At any sign that the computer is getting sluggish, save all work and restart the computer.
5) Make sure cron scripts are running regularly...these may not be running if the computer is shut down or put to sleep overnight. A program such as Cocktail or MacJanitor can be used to do this.


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