David W. Fenton wrote:

Unless there's some incentive for ISPs to provide expensive routers (instead of cheap USB ADSL modems), this won't happen. . . .

There is already a very real incentive for ISPs to do more: zombified PCs connected to their network are chewing up bandwidth and spewing spam across the Internet.

I really doubt that the bandwidth from those few zombies justifies a greater expense in the provision of routers. (Don't forget that they're in a competitive market, where the setup cost is the biggest selling point.)

How, exactly, did people learn to lock their doors at night?

I sometimes don't. There's little reason to. When I do, it's out of habit from living elsewhere.

Seriously - yes, you're right, there's nothing better than a short sharp shock. But waiting until everybody's been stung with a dialler scam won't help.

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