Chiming in.
The new architecture from Apple is always half-baked.  Remember Yikes,
the pathetic first gen G4, G4 chip on a G3 motherboard?  The first gen QS
(the cheese grader) had the power supply problem.  The first gen G5 had
the shielding problem that effect clock source, the crystal for our DAW
use.  Just like that.

I just bought G5 Dual-2.5 a couple days ago after long research.  I
always buy something I have enough data to be comfortable with.  My
previous one was G4 Dual-450.  I waited long enough to learn dual proc is
what DPS developers are coding for.

Know what you are buying is most important.  This G5, I didn't want
surprises, and I decided knowing it's problems.

The current G5 has FW bug, mainly caused by AMD chip which Apple has no
control over it and AMD has no intention to fix.  Since I use FW audio
interfaces, I had to go deeper research to make sure this won't cost me.

Another issue with current G5 is that it's not fully compatible with
FW400 devices since it has only one FW800 bus with FV400 connector.  I
finally found that having powered FW400 hub will lessen potential
problems.  Until I found that out, I was skeptical, y'know.

Look at the Powerbook side.  Pismo was one of the best Powerbook in its
history, and that was the last model of Powerbook G3.  The best TiBook
was 1GHz, which was the last model before AlBook.  By the time Powerbook
G5 comes out (if it ever does), the last AlBook most likely will be the
best Powerbook for a while.


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<> <>

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