At 2/3/2005 11:45 AM, Robert Patterson wrote:

>Does this not strike y'all as a rather cozy arrangement? Apple comes out
>with new machines that force everyone to upgrade their 3rd party software.
>The silly part is that Mac partisans would bash Bill Gates to the hills if
>he did the same thing.

Windows is extremely backwards compatible.

I run Finale 3.7 (16-bit Windows version for those who don't remember) on Win2K and WinXP. No font problems, no playback problems.

I have several really old DOS apps (probably written for V3 or V5) than I run several times a week. Their only problem is that they use the "shortened" file names of long file names.

Mac has always been: New versions? old apps won't run. My Mac SE is still running 6.x. It wouldn't run V7 because it doesn't have a hard drive.

Mac users have to be tough individuals to begin with, so they just suck it up ;-)

Phil Daley          < AutoDesk >

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