On Feb 18, 2005, at 9:21 AM, Phil Daley wrote:

At 2/18/2005 10:13 AM, JD wrote:

>I am on a Mac, IE 5.2, and the pages do indeed load without any vertical
>scroll bars. But, if I resize the window slightly, they appear fine.
>Funny, I have this same trouble with my own site and IE 5.2. Personally, I
>think it's a Microcrap issue. But if you do figure it out, let me know how
>you did it.

That is the only web page I have ever seen that was bigger than the Browser window and didn't have a vertical scroll bar.

There must be something in your HTML code that is incorrect.

I have seen that in IE before. But I would imagine it has something to do with the style sheet, not the html code.


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