On Apr 17, 2005, at 4:12 PM, RegoR wrote:

On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 14:21:58 -0500, Robert Patterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does anyone know if it is still possible to use clip files? I've forgotten how to do it. The reason I want to try is that copy music to the clipboard is quite buggy when it comes to staff styles and articulations based on shapes.

On PC 2005K it still is <ctrl+ copy to clipfile> from the edit menu.

I still dont quite understand the difference... Ctrl+C is copy, but when you access the copy button from the edit menu you get <copy to clip file>

On Mac that would be opt-cmd-C to copy. Paste predictably enough is opt-cmd-v. Insert you would have to choose from the Edit menu while holding down the opt key.

For Gregory, clip files contain info that doesn't copy to the clipboard, like clefs, key signatures, time signatures, and some other stuff. Formerly, staff-assigned expressions and their staff list associations didn't copy either, but all that seems to be screwed up now. I haven't worked out exactly how to work around this new behaviour.


P.S., on a related note, I am having a very devil of a time with a score I am working on. I seem to get my rehearsal letters and tempo markings (staff expressions) copying all over the frigging place because of the new Copy behaviour, and I can't seem to figure out how to stop it. I go into the Staff Lists dialogue box from time to time to delete the duplicate staff lists that keep replicating like Tribbles, which takes care of much of it. I have the Mass Edit set to copy only measure-attached Smart Shapes and the usual array of Entry items, but I can't seem to work out the rhyme or reason to why these settings aren't taking care of business the way they should.

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