On Jun 29, 2005, at 6:46 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

I don't think 6 quarter notes is at all the same thing as 3x2/4 or
2x3/4, any more than 4/4 is indistinguishable from two measures of

I agree, but sometimes convenience...

If you use 6/4 to mean 6/Q, then it makes perfect sense to me.

But if you use it to mean 3/H, it's confusing (because there seems to
be no reason that 3/2 would not be preferable) and, I'd say, wrong.

Well, there is kind of an implied duple to a lot of jazz. Backbeat and that kind of thing, you know. It's not universal, and it's rarely (these days) constant, but it is there.

I think we got it right when we agreed that time signatures are a lousy way to notate some rhythms.


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