I've had this and other more or less similar problems with my cherished Finale, like not getting any response or coming to a complete halt when there is an 8a or loco indication, and after trying to talk Finale, speaking softly to it's ear, into doing what it is supposed to do or what I need it to do I recur to a workaround I have successfully used with graphic design softwares like Quark Express which is to a) save the document with a completely different name, and if that doesn't work b) quit Finale, open it again, create a new fresh blank document with the same characteristics as the one which is giving me trouble and mass copy everything from it onto the new document, and up until now it works all the time. This is time consuming, I know, but it's a solution.


Rich Caldwell wrote:

I had this problem when HP was introduced, and reported it, but it remains an issue in 2005 (Mac). I have found no consistent way to get it to play. I think it's merely chance, so I just keep hitting the play button until I get a pass that will play. It'll happen, but it might take a few (or five) tries.

Maybe my issue is different from yours, since I always had it, QT or Softsynth. Another annoyance I've had since HP is that once it starts playing, at a random moment all instruments get "stuck," as if they had sustain pedals depressed. Instant organ!


On Jul 14, 2005, at 6:39 PM, Stephen Peters wrote:

Lately my FinMac 2005b installation has seriously been acting up when
it comes to playback.  After running for a while, it will suddenly
decide to stop playing anything, either when I hit play or use
Opt-Space-Drag to listen to a preview.  During playback, the little
green bar will move across the page as if it were playing, but no
sound comes out.

That's using Quicktime playback, and it will usually come back if I
quit the program and restart it.  Sometime about a week ago Softsynth
playback stopped for me totally, for no apparent reason.  Same
symptoms; Finale thinks it's playing, but no sound.  Restarting
doesn't seem to change that at all.

Anyone else having these issues, or know of a workaround?

Stephen L. Peters                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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