On 15 Jul 2005 at 6:30, dhbailey wrote:

> David W. Fenton wrote:
> [snip)
> > Does anyone know if MakeMusic is intending to provide finer control
> > over HP parameters than one finds in Finale 2005?
> > 
> > And, ACK, why does everything have REVERB turned up so high? Reverb
> > doesn't improve synthesized sound at all -- just makes it harder to
> > hear! I quickly adjusted that to turn it off!
> > 
> http://www.finalemusic.com/finale/features/hearyourmusic/humanplayback
> .aspx
> is the URL for their page listing what they feel are the important
> details.  This starts http:// and ends with .aspx in case it gets
> split on your display.

Most of the additions are quite opaque in the kind of effect they 
implement, or apply to specialized needs. None of the control given 
applies to the behavior of specific sub-clasess of HP behavior.

The ability to have sections of the piece without HP (which is 
implied by the ability to apply different styles of HP to different 
parts) was something I assumed was part of the basic HP 
implementation. I had assumed there'd be a "No HP" staff style. 

I was obviously wrong.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc
All non-quoted content (c) David W. Fenton, all rights reserved

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