On 23 Jul 2005 at 18:13, John Howell wrote:

> At 2:26 PM -0700 7/23/05, Mark D Lew wrote:
> >Castrati sang minor roles, too.  Most of the Handel operas have
> >multiple castrato roles.  In Rinaldo, for instance, in addition to
> >the title role, Eustazio was also a castrato originally.  (I think
> >the part is cut altogether in later edition.)
> I think the typical cast in the 27 Metestasian libretti was 2 female
> sopranos (prima donna and seconda donna), 2 male sopranos (primo uomo
> and secondo uomo, presumeably castrati), a tenor, and 1 to 3 other
> characters.  Small casts, and pretty darned soprano-heavy!  (The opera
> ain't over 'til the fat castrato sings??)  Whether Mozart followed
> that tradition in his Italian operas I don't know, but it was
> definitely the Italian tradition.

Well, by "Italian operas" I think you mean his seria operas. Mozart 
probably had little say in the casting of those (with the exceptions 
of, perhaps, Idomeneo and, probably, Titus), since he was just a kid, 
fulfilling commissions for, mostly, pre-chosen libretti that already 
had a relatively fixed set of roles (though each time, a librettist 
was making revisions).

The rules for opera buffa, are, of course, entirely different.

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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