Oh crap. I just installed Finale 2006 and I noticed that I had lost my Firefox preferences, bookmarks, addons and other settings. (And my Snitch settings are also gone.) I just checked my address book now and noticed that it was empty too except for an Apple listing.

I thought it might be just my bad luck (I do have some backups), but the coincidence is too overwhelming.

There are some serious problems with the Finale install. Warning!

-Randolph Peters

At 9:36 AM -0400 7/28/05, Christopher Smith wrote:
Hi, all.

One of my Mac-using pals emailed me about his recent Tiger and Fin2006 upgrade issue. Has anyone else had problems with this, or do you think his problem is completely unrelated (as is my first guess?)

I remember a thread recently (Hiro?) talking about older versions of the VISE installer. This couldn't cause his problem, could it?

Here is his message in its entirety. His computer knowledge level is about the same as mine; he can do what he needs to do, but he isn't exactly a wizard.

Here's a weird one. I seem to have lost every single entry in my address book (the Mac application). I don't know what happened. I installed Tiger and all of my addresses were still there. Then I installed Finale 2006 and poof ! Gone ! Any leads ? Luckily I have back ups of this stuff.

Thanks in advance,

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