David W. Fenton wrote:

On 31 Jul 2005 at 1:32, Craig Parmerlee wrote:

[re: GPO:]
For people who are willing to spend hours fiddling with their equipment in order to make the most
realistic rendering of a symphony orchestra, maybe it has some merit.

First off, I don't have Finale 2006, and couldn't use the GPO instruments if I did, but it seems pretty clear to me from the comments on the list that the fiddling with GPO comes when you try to take an existing file *not* created with the GPO templates and then try to convert it to use GPO.
Unless you want to do something more than sit back and admire the beauty of your creation. If you are trying to share the score and send MIDI demos over the net, for example, you are going to be farting around a lot with those files. Not to mention the fact that it is simply missing sounds that 90% of us would consider essential: sax, bass, electric piano, guitar, etc. And also not to mention that the metronome doesn't play when the template sets up the file. I'm sure there must be an easy way around that one, but with all the other GPO problems, I don't have any motivation to look.

In the past I have run my MIDI files through the Roland VSC. It supports ALL the GM instruments and sounds pretty darned good and requires ZERO adjustments to my Finale score. With a HP-endowed MIDI file and VSC, I just don't see a lot of benefit with GPO. It sounds like a 1% difference to me for a LOT of extra work.

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