I am deeply impressed with Darcy's understanding of how to delve into these kinds of problems and his willingness to attempt to solve them.  He ought to be on MM's payroll, and maybe we should all tithe a small percentage of the $ we get from whatever we are paid for Finale projects to support his efforts.

Perhaps it's a generational thing.  Nevertheless, I remain in awe of results like this.


On Aug 6, 2005, at 12:41 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

Hey Johannes,

I think I figured it out:

The "InstType" field in gpofullinstruments.txt maps to the [INS:] field in instrument text.

So, you are right -- changes to "gpofullinstruments.txt" don't affect staff names -- I was wrong about that.  But you can use the "gpofullinstruments.txt" file to find out what you need to modify in "instruments.txt" to get the staff name you want.

Try this:

1) Load "gpofullinstruments.txt" in a text editor and search for "cellos".  You will see the following:

[INS:Cellos KS]
DisplayName     = Cellos KS
InstType    = Cello
Patch        = 48
SampleFile    = 9. Notation/8. Section Strings/4. Cellos/Cellos KS.nki

This means that the GPO instrument "Cellos KS" is mapped to the instrument "Cello" in "instruments.txt."

2) Now load "instruments.txt" in a text editor and search for "cello".  The first entry you will find is this:

Name             = Cello
Abbr            = Vc.
useKeySigs        = 1
Transposition        = 0
StaffType             = standard
Clef            = bass
Patch            = 48
RangeLow            = 36,36,36,49
RangeHigh        = 79,72,64,61
ExWizDisp        = 1

Change "Cello" here to "Violoncello".

3) Now launch Finale, and use the Setup Wizard to create a score using the GPO instrument "Cellos KS".  The staff name should show up as "Violoncello".

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 06 Aug 2005, at 2:51 PM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

Editing this file won't do any good. In this file there is nowhere any mention of "Violino", yet after using the Wizard, that's what the violin is called. Somehow Finale must access both this file _and_ the instrument.txt file, and trying to change the relationship of the two is going to be a nightmare.

Personally I think this has been very badly solved by MM.


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