David W. Fenton schrieb:

You think those chips were not in development long before Apple made its announcement? You think IBM said "Oh no! We've got to come up with a chip! To the labs, boys!" and two weeks later announced a finished dual-core processer?

No, it was there all along, and could conceivably have done what Apple needed, but Apple had already decided, for other reasons, to abandon IBM.


I really believe you are wrong. Apple has been waiting for Powerbook usable G5 chips for a very long time, and the announcement to switch to Intel was the direct consequence out of this dilemma. Had there been adequate chips for Powerbooks, Apple would have used them. There weren't. Even if IBM could deliver now, the problem is that Apple wanted them about a year or more earlier, and the development of Powerbooks had come to a complete halt already.

To interpret anything else into this is reading tea leaves. There is no facts to it.

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