Darcy James Argue / 2005/08/25 / 03:36 PM wrote:

>A volunteer job is still a job. You shouldn't volunteer for a job if  
>you don't plan to actually fulfill your responsibilities. If someone  
>is a volunteer firefighter in a small town, and yet never shows up at  
>the scene of a fire, then they are not doing their job.

Woa, this is uncalled for.
If you don't like the way user group is, you are totally free to leave. 
That's the way user group works.

I admin Mobile I/O list.  The host is Virginia Tech who keeps the
MailMan2 server running for us despite the constant DoS attach.  User
group list admin is totally thankless task.  You can't make everyone
happy, and that is the facts.  On my list, I do not allow any OT post as
well as name calling flame war and for-sale ad.  There are quite few
people upsets with how I run the list, but I have to draw a line to keep
the archive useful.  There are other user groups for OT subjects they
can go to.

And I do not allow posts regarding the list itself on my list.  Since
this list has given me many help, and also I appreciate occasional
appearances of MM! personnel, I am trying to get used to hitting [Del]
key softer when I see threads after threads of OT posts so my [Del] key
doesn't come off again.  I don't mind occasional OT posts those which
can benefits to all the members, but when the thread goes on and on like
this one, I am trying to learn how to ignore it.


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<http://a-no-ne.com> <http://anonemusic.com>

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