Well, look, it's been going on for like a month. Maybe more.

A week, ok, so the list moderator is busy. Two weeks....Ok, maybe he's on vacation. Three weeks....ok, must be a good vacation. A month......damn good vacation. Five weeks........um........*tap tap* anyone home?

Seriously, I think Darcy is right. If you ain't going to do the job, give it to someone else. Or if you are going to be gone, let someone else do the Job.

Of course, this Berklee instructor McGann or whatever is a total [EMAIL PROTECTED] for never checking his email and allowing this to happen in the first place.....

A-NO-NE Music wrote:

Darcy James Argue / 2005/08/25 / 03:36 PM wrote:

A volunteer job is still a job. You shouldn't volunteer for a job if you don't plan to actually fulfill your responsibilities. If someone is a volunteer firefighter in a small town, and yet never shows up at the scene of a fire, then they are not doing their job.

Woa, this is uncalled for.
If you don't like the way user group is, you are totally free to leave. That's the way user group works.

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