Start another list and miss great comments like this one? And miss your great insights?

Compared to other lists, this moderator is MIA. That is all we are saying. If he could not devote time in the last month, month and a half this McGann email thing has been going on, then......why is he doing it? Why not get someone else to take up the slack. I'm not asking for EVERY email to be looked at, but some sort of attention to what is going on would be nice.

I'm on the "right" list. I just am sick of seeing some choad's away message. It's like SPAM. Would you have the same "attitude" towards this Henry if we had PORN ads showing up on the list? And the moderator was MIA again? Would you be getting what you are paying for?

dhbailey wrote:

Lighten up on Henry. Maybe he is doing his "job" just the way he sees it should be done, and perhaps you and Darcy are just on the wrong list.

If you want a list moderator who looks at every message and approves it before it is posted so you don't have to hit the delete key, then perhaps you and Darcy should go start one. It will be interesting to see how many members of this list jump ship with you. There already is a yahoogroups Finale list with perhaps a dozen of the same people as are on this list. The level of discourse is much quieter over there. Maybe you'd like it better.

You have definitely gotten your money's worth out of this list and Henry's efforts, and I think you are being very ungrateful to expect that Henry should jump every time you don't like something that happens on the list. Just look at your last invoice and see exactly what you have been paying Henry for.

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