At 08:43 PM 9/29/2005, David W. Fenton wrote:
>On 29 Sep 2005 at 17:20, Lee Actor wrote:
>> On the technical point under discussion, you are of course 100%
>> absolutely correct.  The software must "listen" to the digital data
>> stream going into the sound card; the only "output" from the sound
>> card is the post D/A analog waveform sent to the speakers, which of
>> course is not available to any software (other than your generous
>> allowance for the possibility of an external loopback to a digital
>> input, which you were roundly ridiculed for suggesting).  This is
>> pretty basic stuff.
>You and Johannes both seem to know nothing at all about PC audio.

David, I've hesitated to jump in here, because audio isn't particularly my area, but what Johnnes and Lee are saying seems quite correct to me.

Think about it for a second. The software is either capturing the audio on the way to the soundcard or on the way out of the soundcard. The only thing that happens *after* the soundcard is that an analog waveform is sent to the output jack. It doesn't make sense for an app to capture that analog output; it must be capturing the digital stream on its way from the playing software *to* the soundcard. Hence it's captured before the sound card has a chance to affect it at all.

Doesn't that seem correct? And if not, then how exactly does software listen to the stream traveling in a wire from the soundcard to the output jack?


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