David W. Fenton / 2005/11/04 / 03:32 PM wrote:

>You aren't limited to the "little kazoo band," either, since all 
>you'd need to do is install a better sound card, or run Finale 3.7.2 
>on a computer with a better sound card.

For jazz, it wasn't even a little kazoo band until HP was introduced
(when was that?).  Listening to the even 8th during proofread was so
painful back then.

By the way, my use of Fin playback is only for proofread.  I use
sequence application if I need to sequence.  However, Fin2006's mixer is
one of my reasons to stick with Fin2006.  Before, proofread was also
tough because some instruments were too soft/loud and I could had missed
typo.  Now I can listen in a balance.


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<http://a-no-ne.com> <http://anonemusic.com>

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