David W. Fenton wrote:

My point is about how the notation indicates instructions to the
performers. In that regard, I don't think that the dynamic markings
beyond ppp and fff have any reliable interpretation that makes any

If, for instance, a passage is at ppp and you want to get softer, I
think I'd just write "softer" and if even more is needed, "softer
still." These are clearly relative dynamic indications, without the
stepped gradations implied by adding p's to the dynamic indication.

I fail to see how this necessarily has an end result any different to 'voodoo dynamics' (which is beginning to scream 'band name' at me...)

I think that's my problem with pppp and ppppp. It's just not clear to me that there can be any difference between the two except in a context, and there is no rationally definable difference (in the mathematical sense of the word "rational," not the logical sense) between the two.

Unlike the clear and rational difference between 'softer' and 'softer still'?
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