On 31 Mar 2006, at 6:18 PM, Williams, Jim wrote:

Darcy wrote:
Personally, I'm more surprised -- well, not surprised, exactly, but
saddened -- that so many on this list are so insular and secure in
their tastes that they are completely disconnected from the musical
culture at large. And proud of it, to boot.  Who's calling who
musically illiterate, again?

A comment and a question:

1. I got more of a sense from this thread that people HAD listened to things and then rejected them. I can understand that.

Since no names were named and no specifics given (only broad, inaccurate stereotypes like "rap has no pitch"), I didn't get that sense at all.

2. Whose job is it (if anybody's) to tell some of the modern emperors that they are wearing no clothes, or to tell listeners that the emperors they are idolizing are wearing no clothes?

Ideally someone who is well-versed in the many streams of contemporary music and doesn't reflexively reject it all because it doesn't conform to the aesthetics of the music they grew up with.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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