At 4/2/2006 10:34 AM, Christopher Smith wrote:

>On Apr 2, 2006, at 8:37 AM, Phil Daley wrote:
>> At 4/1/2006 08:44 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:
>> >But the requirement Phil is placing on these pieces is completely
>> >arbitrary and if applied honestly would eliminate a lot of the works
>> >he considers to be music.
>> I agree that improvisation is not notatable.
>> But, if an entire piece is improvisation, it is not music, it is
>> performance art.
>Well, that's just plain wrong.
>What kind of extremely narrow definition of music do you have that
>excludes improvisation from music? Or non-pitched elements? Or
>difficult-to-notate elements? Or
>inconsistently-reproducible-in-performance elements?

Compare it to literature.

Is there a great piece of literature that hasn't been written down?

How about art?

Is the an art masterpiece that is not on canvas?

Phil Daley          < AutoDesk >

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