At 6:00 PM -0400 4/3/06, Christopher Smith wrote:

In shows (not the best model, I would agree) it is common to have three equally-manned violin parts, and split the seconds when there are just two parts to be equally divided. Since the 3-way is the exception in your case, not the rule, this would probably not be a viable solution for you.

I've run into as many as 4 real parts in Violin A books--two solo parts and two divisi accompaniment parts. But having only one player on a part in Broadway pits is considered normal. There are 5 real violin parts in "King & I" (Violin A divisi, Violin B divisi, Violin C), and in the original seating chart for the pit there are exactly 5 violins!

For a concert orchestra, if I didn't use Andrew's suggestion (which I think is quite reasonable), I would divide the 1st violins rather than the 2nd, since the section tends to be larger and the players to have better instruments that project more. But if I were to do that I would be making an editorial decision that might best be left to the conductor.


John & Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
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