Hi Dennis,

Apologies for misattributing an anti-pop position to you. I guess it's just that since I don't believe in the high/low art distinction, the "nonpop" label tends rubs me the wrong way.

The question of what to brand this music is a thorny one. I know you're very much invested in the "nonpop" moniker, but to me, it smacks a bit of the classical establishment's dripping condescension towards popular culture generally, which is a huge turnoff for me and my peers. Of course, I'm gratified you don't intend it that way.

I've had some luck calling my music "indie jazz" -- you know, as opposed to the music produced by the jazz-industrial complex.

- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

On 11 Apr 2006, at 6:47 PM, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

At 05:39 PM 4/11/06 -0400, Darcy James Argue wrote:
My only quibble is with (what I perceive as) Dennis's distaste for

Not at all, Darcy. I just don't write or play it myself, so excuse myself
from intelligent discussion. I'm a huge fan of the whole hiphop and
child-of-hiphop realm (rap, techno, etc.), and though I pretty much
despised the 1980s pop, I have a pretty good collection of pop (the
metagenre) from 1950-80 and 1990 onward. And the other perpendicular
metagenre that cross pop and nonpop metagenres, i.e., jazz, is something I've been involved with as a student and listener since I was a teenager.

This is what groups like Alarm Will Sound, Eighth Blackbird, ethel,
Capital M, Anti-Social Music, and of course the Kronos Quartet have
done -- to varying degrees and with varying degrees of success.

All excellent. Alarm and Anti-Social were both on our radio show, and Ethel
commissioned my co-host David Gunn. We're there on all this.

Points well made.



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