On 28.04.2006 John Bell wrote:
The  print dialog "remembers" (a) which printer was last used and (b) whatever Preset was 
last used. The default Preset ("Standard") is non-duplex. So if I have a number of 
documents that need to be printed double-sided, I set an appropriate Preset for the first one, then 
print the remainder without further intervention.

I thought this was how all printers worked (Mac OS 10.4.6).

Yes, but. As far as I remember FinaleScript always uses the default settings, regardless of what you used before. I had this same problem with my LZR2080, which by default printed at 400dpi, and with FS there was no way to get it to print in 800dpi. I ended up tweaking the printer description file, which was not the easiest task in the world.


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