On May 30, 2006, at 2:13 PM, dc wrote:

Christopher Smith écrit:
With incremental backups, you only lose the work you've done since you last saved under a new name.

Well, this is in itself the recognition of an unacceptable bug. And until MM officially recommends such a policy, most users will wait till they get hit by it...

Computers crash. Along with death and taxes, this is one of the things you can count on. Best just be prepared.

And as it turns out, my backup policy is a good one anyway, even without bugs. I have lost WAY more work through pilot (my) error than through bugs, and I would have been saved by this system. So no, using incremental backups is NOT recognition of an unacceptable bug (though I do recognise it, and it is unacceptable, it's just that my backup policy is NOT that recognition of it.)


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