I've always wondered why you can't note attach a hairpin like you can a slur. THAT, would be cool.


On 6/22/06, Eric Dannewitz < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Agreed. There better be some neat stuff in Finale 2007. Like dynamic parts.

dhbailey wrote:
> Addressing them is one thing -- solving them is quite another.  We'll
> just have to wait and see if 2007 is a true notation improvement
> package or another "let's tack on more bright shiny objects to dazzle
> them while distracting from the unresolved issues of many years."
> Sign me "A 2006 early adopter who still doesn't find GPO any more
> helpful (especially the saxophones) than the soundfont playback we've
> had for years."

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Scot Hanna-Weir
Music Engraver
A-R Editions, Inc.

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