In the 1999 revision of "Kiss Me, Kate," there are some indications that appear to be style indications, but some of them are unfortunately over my head. If you can help me define any of these styles, I can pass the answers on to our conductor.

In "Wunderbar":  "a la Luchow's" (?)

In "Too Darn Hot," which goes through a catalog of contrasting swing styles (and any comments on the style itself that would help us interpret the notes properly would be appreciated):
        Swing 4 (no problem)
        Society Swing (different?)
Benny Goodman (I think I understand; anything really distinctive about his style?)
        30's Broadway (?)
        More Modern (no problem)
        Raucous Burlesque (written so we seem to be getting it)
        New Orleans-Slow & Bluesy (no problem)
        Boogie Woogie (no problem)
        The Slither (??????)
        Lester Lanin (well written to force a style, but any suggestions?)
        Lindy (?)
        Gospel (?)

Thanks in advance. Private answer would be fine, since there's no Finale content.

Oh! But I did have a question with Finale content! As a matter of deliberate engraving style, almost all slurs are entered above the staff, even when the noteheads are down. All I can think of is that it keeps things a little cleaner below the staff for dynamics, but it's still catching my eyes and anything that distracts is not what I would call a Good Thing. Is that a Broadway thing, or a personal engraver's style or just a style I haven't run into before? (Well of course it could be all three!!)


John & Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A 24061-0240
Vox (540) 231-8411  Fax (540) 231-5034
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