I double checked my file and it does have a pdf extension - which I would have expected since it was created using Adobe Acrobat. The version of Acrobat they were using was Acrobat 7 and I thought that may have something to do with it (since I am using v 4), however, older files (such as v 4) should be accessible by newer versions (just like Finale).

I haven't tried saving the files, created in other programs, as EPS or postscript and then converting to pdf. I'll have to give that a try. It just seems odd to me. Once you have a file created in a particular format, as in pdf, it should behave as expected. But maybe I shouldn't be so picky! Thanks. I will try converting the ancillary files to postscript and converting them to pdf before adding them to the book. I wonder if I will have to do the same with the Finale files? I will let you know how I make out.

Nick Raspa
NJR Music Enterprises

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: finale@shsu.edu
Sent: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 17:17:15 -0400
Subject: Re: [Finale] pdf printing

On Jul 4, 2006, at 4:52 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
> Hello to all, 
> I have prepared a music book for printing and decided to do it off-> site. I prepared all the music pages in Finale and converted them > to pdf. Other pages such as the cover and table of contents, etc. > were prepared using other programs, such as Photoshop, and also > converted to pdf. Using Adobe Acrobat (v 4) I imported all the > pages and assembled them into a pdf booklet. 
> When I took them to Kinkos, they were unable to open the pdf > document on their windows based system (I think they use Dell?). > However, they were able to open up the book on a Mac they have on > site. The Mac, however, is not networked so they cannot print from > it. They can only print from the windows based system. 
> The clerk there said he thinks that you have to specify a platform > when you save the pdf document. This does not sound right to me. I > thought Adove designed the pdf to be available on any platform for > reading and printing regardless of the platform you create it on. > Am I wrong or am I missing something basic here. Has anyone else > encountered this problem? What am I doing wrong? 
> I am using a mac iBook with Finale 2k5, Photoshop, Appleworks and > Adobe Acrobat 4.0. 
The others' advice is probably good, but there is one other issue I found with a printshop. They had an older version of Adobe Reader that couldn't interpret my Mac OSX 10.3 PDFs correctly. They were fine on the latest version of Acrobat Reader. They were also running Windows 98, which I wasn't expecting either. 
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