The Robert King post could have been labeled OT, but it's no big deal, considering the threads we get into here. The list often discusses many areas pertaining to serious music not directly relating to Finale.

The list will survive and thrive.

Perhaps it is time to move on?


Kim Patrick Clow wrote:

*dhbailey* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote: "the Sawkins topic was of importance to many Finale users because of the copyright issues involved." Robert King's group that performed the music that was involoved in the Sawkin's case.

So, yes there is a connection between news about Robert King and classical music. I only mentioned this news in passing. I didn't offer opinions or editiorial comment about it. If I was wrong in my assumption that others on the list wanted to know about this news, sobeit. David: if the post doesn't help you in anyway, or give you any new knowledge (or knowledge that you care about), please hit delete.
And move on. It's really that easy.
Thanks. Kim Patrick Clow

Kim Patrick Clow
"There's really only two types of music: good and bad." ~ Rossini


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