Select: "Options" "Document Options" "Fonts" "Notation" "Noteheads" Then scroll and selct a notehead font that you have, probably "EngraverFontSet" or "Maestro." Default size is "24 regular". Click "OK", and that should fix it.

Hope this helps!

Raymond Horton

Brad Nelson wrote:

HELP!! I have a commission deadline due tomorrow....

I cannot print my score correctly. All of the noteheads print as fortisstissimo (FFF’s) rather than regular noteheads. Other symbols are also strange (ie, whole rest appears as a diamond). I’ve been using Finale for 9 years with no problem....same computer with Win 98 (2^nd Edition), same printer (HP5000). I’ve always used the default font (Maestro). 10% of the time it will print a page correctly, but 90% of the dice!

The ONLY difference is that this is the first time I’ve created a score and printed with 2006c. I’ve reinstalled Finale and reloaded fonts to no avail. I’ve also shut down all programs running in the background to maximize system resources.

Any fixes?

Brad Nelson

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