Well, they might if you sent the request to MakeMusic. This list is completely independent of MakeMusic. To place a request for tech support with MakeMusic, you have to go to www.finalemusic.com and click on the support link and follow the appropriate links to place your request.

David H. Bailey

P.S. I thought I read some helpful hints and suggestions for possible solutions in replies to your message on this list, although I don't know if any of them would actually have helped you.

Brad Nelson wrote:
I sent the message below on Monday Aug. 14. I received an automated response from you saying I would hear back with 1 business day. It's been 4 days....can someone at MakeMusic give me some help?

Brad Nelson


HELP!!  I have a commission deadline due tomorrow....

I cannot print my score correctly. All of the noteheads print as fortisstissimo (FFF’s) rather than regular noteheads. Other symbols are also strange (ie, whole rest appears as a diamond). I’ve been using Finale for 9 years with no problem....same computer with Win 98 (2^nd Edition), same printer (HP5000). I’ve always used the default font (Maestro). 10% of the time it will print a page correctly, but 90% of the time....no dice!

The ONLY difference is that this is the first time I’ve created a score and printed with 2006c. I’ve reinstalled Finale and reloaded fonts to no avail. I’ve also shut down all programs running in the background to maximize system resources.

Any fixes?

Brad Nelson


Finale mailing list

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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