John Howell wrote:

I really appreciate the comments on this question, and I am learning from them, but I just realized something. Every one of us, even those of us who know better, are assuming that 20th century bane, equal temperament. In any other tuning or temperament, G# and Ab are NOT the same frequencies, and sensitive musicians make those adjustments. (Except keyboard players, poor babies!) Which makes proper MELODIC enharmonic spellings even more important, but for more than just mechanical reasons.

No sensitive musician plays in a vacuum, or constantly in equal temperament. I mentioned horn as a frequent user of enharmonic equivalents - one should very rarely write a B# for horn, yet if a good horn player hears their written C sounding as the third of a chord, that player will adjust accordingly. If the same player sees a written B#, the player will be too busy cursing at the composer/arranger to be playing the note sensitively. _______________________________________________
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