I can't force the natural on the D -- it appears by default and when I hit the * key the natural disappears. With the natural showing, if the first note is changed to C# by whatever method, the natural disappears, as it should. Interestingly enough, though, with that enharmonic flip in place, you can't force the natural at all.

Another reason not to use the enharmonic flip, but simply drag the note and have Finale actually change the underlying data.

Remember, the enharmonic flip isn't changing the data, it's simply changing the way the data is displayed onscreen. Internally, a Db is a Db is a Db, even when the program is told to display it as a C#.

If you drag it to a C and add the sharp, then the data really IS C#.


Rich Caldwell wrote:
I just noticed something else. This "feature" only occurs when I've enharmonically switched the previous note. If I'm entering without a MIDI keyboard, I enter 'C' then sharp it - so it's not enharmonically flipping. If 'favor sharps' is on, then it won't either.

Do this: Enter 'Db-D', force natural on the 'D', then change the Db to C#. The natural for me disappears.

If this is indeed a bug, I'm surprised no one had mentioned it here or on MM's boards yet. After entering notes for only 5 minutes in 2k7, it stopped me dead in my tracks.

By the way, I can run the plug-in to put in cautionaries after the fact, but I like to be more hands-on with them.

On Sep 23, 2006, at 7:57 AM, dhbailey wrote:

Mike Cholewa wrote:
I have experienced this behavior in WinFin2k7 too. It only concerns Speedy
Entry. In Simple Entry there's no problem. I guess it's a bug.
Mike Cholewa

Maybe I'm not understanding the problem, but I just tried it in winfin2007, default document, single staff, entered C, C#, D -- then with the cursor on D I hit the * key and the natural shows up.

Could you be more specific in listing the steps you're following where the natural isn't showing up?

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