dc wrote:
dhbailey écrit:
I did find something extremely curious but I didn't have time to investigate further -- when trying to enter corrections, I couldn't get into Speedy Entry while editing a part. Which was a royal pain in the butt because I had a list of corrections which said "Flute 1, measure 15, change Db to Dnatural." It would have been so much easier to do that from the part and have the edit show up in the score. I may have been doing something, but it makes no sense to have linked parts if I can't edit the actual music in the parts and have it appear in the score.

That's quite strange, because I just finished my first projects with linked parts also, and have been able to make changes in the parts with Speedy Entry. I wonder if there is some option somewhere that says "allow editing in parts"?

I figured out what it is -- annoying but something I can live with (guess I have to, don't I?)

I was working on a part where there were two staves for the piano part, and then 2 flute parts on a single staff above that. The 2 flute parts entered most easily in a combination of layers and voices to get everything to show as it should.

In creating the parts, I created a flute1-2 part which was simply the 2-part flute staff. But Manage Parts allows for precise splitting of multiple parts on a single staff (sort of) in that we can specify the voicing which will go to each part. So I then created 2 separate flute parts (amazingly, I think that this linked parts thing might actually work for 2 parts on one staff) by defining the voicing which would go to each part when split from the 2-part staff.

For the Flute 1 part I checked the box for "Selected notes from one or more layers," which then activated the lower box which contains the "Rules for Seleting Notes from One or More Layer(s)" and then checked the radio button for "Selected Note(s)" and checked only "1st note" box and also the "Count Notes:" "From the top." I also checked the box "Include Single Note Passages" and for "In Measures Containing Multiple Layers, Display Layer" I selected layer 1. Then I click OK and it actually did put all the correct notes in the part!

For the Flute 2 part, I followed the same procedure except that for "Count Notes" I checked the "From the Bottom" radio button, and for "In Measures Containing Multiple Layers, Display Layer" I selected Layer 2. After Clicking OK, I found that the program actually did put all the correct notes in the Flute 2 part.

It is in either of these two split parts (Flute 1 or Flute 2) that I cannot access either Speedy Entry or Simple Entry, but in the combined Flute1-2 part, I can edit the notes there and have them show up in the score.

I was trying to edit the notes in the separate Flute 2 part, thinking that would be easier.

I am very impressed with how great a job this allowed me to do in splitting a multi-staff part into separate parts, and I think that our original fears of how horrible this linked score/parts feature might be for multi-part staves may be unfounded.

Then when it came to page layout I did extract the parts and found that all the page layout issues were much easier to cope with.

But I think that with some more practice and investigation, the annoyances with measure number placement and display, and with text placement and expression placement, may actually become manageable.

At least I've gotten to the bottom of the mystery as to why I wasn't able to use Speedy or Simple Entry on a couple of parts!

David H. Bailey
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