On 4 Oct 2006 at 12:19, Chuck Israels wrote:

> On Oct 4, 2006, at 11:44 AM, David W. Fenton wrote:
> > And entry by computer keyboard still takes other passes for entering
> > articulations and expressions, so it's not like there's much of a
> > difference there.
> If, like me, you are still in the habit of using Speedy Entry.

Well, I'm still on FinWin2K3, so I don't think I have the New 
Improved Simple Entry available to me.

> The MM guys I see every year at the Jazz Educator's Convention use 
> Simple entry with a MIDI Keyboard, and that allows articulations and 
> dynamics to be entered on the same pass with the same tool.  They 
> claim something like 40% increase in entry speed, and I have no 
> reason to doubt them, but something in me resists re-learning my 
> entry methods.  Anyone else out there migrated from Speedy to Simple 
> since this change?  Have you found the changed method worth the 
> trouble of learning it?

I don't want to use the mouse when using the keyboard. Note entry is 
blazingly quick with a MIDI keyboard in Speedy. Even if I did it in 
the new Simple, I still wouldn't put in the articulations/expressions 
in the same pass, because that would require breaking the rhythm of 
entering the notes/rhythms (even if there are mouseless keyboard 
shortcuts mapped for articulations/expressions, which I strongly 

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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