On 4 Oct 2006 at 13:45, Chuck Israels wrote:

> On Oct 4, 2006, at 1:23 PM, dhbailey wrote:
> > Darcy James Argue wrote:
> >> On 04 Oct 2006, at 3:39 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:
> >>>> The MM guys I see every year at the Jazz Educator's Convention
> >>>> use Simple entry with a MIDI Keyboard, and that allows
> >>>> articulations  and dynamics to be entered on the same pass with
> >>>> the same tool.  They claim something like 40% increase in entry
> >>>> speed, and I have no reason to doubt them, but something in me
> >>>> resists re-learning my entry methods.  Anyone else out there
> >>>> migrated from Speedy to  Simple since this change?  Have you
> >>>> found the changed method worth the trouble of learning it?
> >>>
> >>> I don't want to use the mouse when using the keyboard.
> >> You don't have to. Articulations and expressions are entered via 
> >> keyboard shortcuts which reference your own metatools. You would 
> >> only have to touch the mouse if the articulation or expression you 
> >> want is not assigned to a metatool.
> >>>  (even if there are mouseless keyboard
> >>> shortcuts mapped for articulations/expressions, which I strongly
> >>> doubt).
> >
> > How do you tell Finale which notes to apply the metatool to if 
> > you're not using the mouse?
> I don't know exactly how it's done, but there are keyboard triggers 
> for going to articulations and dynamics and, since you do it on the 
> note you are on as you enter it, there's no need for using the  mouse.
>  This is all in the documentation, and I have watched the MM  guys do
> it.  No kidding, it's fast.  The only thing that keeps me  from
> changing my method is old work habits and dreading a new  learning
> curve.  (No small dread, irrational as that may be.)  This  has been
> around for the last two years, at least.

I tried it out in the Finale 2005 demo. It feels a lot like 
Sibelius's standard keypad entry method.

And that means I HATE IT. I don't think that way about getting the 
information into Finale, and that's one of the reasons I can't use 

It slows me down incredibly to think through which things I want to 
attach to a note after it's been entered (or before, if you can 
forecast that). 

For me (and I said FOR ME), a pass to get notes and rhythms entered 
is VERY FAST, and then I can go back and entered the 
articulations/expressions, set beam breaks, stem direction and 
correct enharmonics. I do all of the latter in a single pass, in 

And that's the way I did it in Speedy with no MIDI keyboard. I just 
don't think in a way that allows me to be constantly switching 
between so many different kinds of entry. The notes and rhythms come 
first as a framework for the whole piece, and then the rest of the 
data is editing or entirely cosmetic.

Perhaps I'm stuck in that mindset because I've been doing it that way 
for over 15 years.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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