On 04 Oct 2006, at 3:39 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

The MM guys I see every year at the Jazz Educator's Convention use
Simple entry with a MIDI Keyboard, and that allows articulations and
dynamics to be entered on the same pass with the same tool.  They
claim something like 40% increase in entry speed, and I have no
reason to doubt them, but something in me resists re-learning my
entry methods.  Anyone else out there migrated from Speedy to Simple
since this change?  Have you found the changed method worth the
trouble of learning it?

I don't want to use the mouse when using the keyboard.

You don't have to. Articulations and expressions are entered via keyboard shortcuts which reference your own metatools. You would only have to touch the mouse if the articulation or expression you want is not assigned to a metatool.

 (even if there are mouseless keyboard
shortcuts mapped for articulations/expressions, which I strongly



- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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