At 05:44 PM 10/5/06 -0700, Steve Schow wrote:
>These days, Finale actually *IS* the program that has come to closest to
>filling this whole.  With plugins and notation and Human
>truly is the closest thing to being an ideal composer's tool.  Nothing
>else is there.

Unfortunately, that's not even the case with Finale, which is what I meant
in my previous email.

If you're exclusively a "pen and ink" composer working in 19th century
notation, Finale may be close. I'm not of those, nor are thousands of
others. About a third of what I write is electroacoustic, for which I have
to use several programs and a pretty big chunk of utility audio (Sonar,
Audio Mulch, CSound, Cecilia, Coagula, Midimage, Wavesurfer, SMS Tools,
Prie, The Voice, ixi modules, AnalogX modules, some 400 VST and DX
plugins...). Finale doesn't understand anything at all about that genre nor
how to integrated it (even as a sound wave file) into the score.

And the rest of what I do uses post-1920s notation which, although Finale
is the best of the programs for doing this, stymies every program in
handling it as normal notation -- which it has been for the better part of
a century. We end up reverting to graphics. Finale can't even do staggered
barlines natively or beaming across barlines without Robert's plugin or
make any item stretchable as has been possible in every other vector-based
program for years.

I very much appreciate what you say about needing a true composer's
toolkit. I'm still waiting for pen-recognition input to Finale, which would
beat the pants off any other input method for me, or even lasso/drag/drop!
(Every time I think of why I bought Finale in the early 1990s expecting
these 'normal' functions would shortly be available...)



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