Minke Hylarides wrote:
2.) Is it possible to place a text bloc VERTICALLY on a page? The only way I
can think of is making a tiff-file (already vertical) and place that on the
page. But is there a way to do this directly with Finale?
Depends upon how long the text block is. For a lengthy text block, creating and importing a graphic may be the only way, but a one work around for a short text block is to define it as a smart shape. Select the smart shape, and on the smart shape palette, open the shape designer by pressing CTRL while you click on the custom smart shape tool (the line with the question mark over it). In the top left corner of the box, set the line style to solid, and the thickness of the line to 0. Choose one of the options in the bottom panel of the window, labeled "text", and enter the text you want to display vertically. If you do not select the "keep horizontal" option in the top left frame, you will be able to apply this shape as a measure attached vertical "text shape". If the text you want to enter needs to be entered as two or more lines, I suspect you will have to create each line as a separate smart shape, and place each individually; the smart shape labels do not support embedded carriage returns or line feeds.

I don't presently have 2k5 installed, but this works in both 2k, and 2k6.

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