On 10 Nov 2006 at 13:37, Phil Daley wrote:

> At 11/10/2006 01:23 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:
>  >> I wonder if Macs are less reliable at reading CDs than Windows? >
>  >On what basis would you wonder such a thing? The OS could not
>  >possibly have anyting to do with it -- it's entirely an issue of the
>  >media and the hardware that writes to it.
> Right, and I am wondering if Mac CD readers and writers are less
> reliable that PC ones.

Aren't they generic hardware? Doesn't the Mac use the same interfaces 
as PCs? The days of SCSI-only Macs have been over for a long, long 

> Macs are much more limiting on what hardware you can install.

Really? According to whom?

> Also, they have changed their whole configuration multiples times.
> Seems like a reasonable question to me.

It doesn't to me. It looks like your garden-variety Mac bashing, 
which, as is normal, has no basis in actual experience, but comes out 
of the prejudices of the person making the accusation.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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