At 12:30 PM 11/13/06 -0800, Hamilton Greg wrote:
>I recently had a client ask for the Finale files for many of his  
>chamber works I had prepared. It's typically not my policy to release  
>the original files. I'm wondering what other professional copyist/ 
>engravers are doing when faced with the same dilemma?

I came in late to this (amazing what goes on when one is out shopping for
floor tile and countertops). Most of my relatively few clients don't want
the files, but one does.

My largest objection is the amount of additional time it takes to deal with
amateur Finale users mucking about in the files and then sending them back
to be fixed. The one client who uses the files is a bit clumsy with them.
He also uses only 'basic' Finale, meaning none of the special fonts that I
use (including ones I've created) can be put in the score. This increases
my own time-on-project.

However, despite the fact that only one of my clients wants the files, I
always send them. I think a safe archive of artistic work is more important
than any hypothetical loss of business.



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